Stewart Hershell Hannah - Online Memorial Website

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Stewart Hannah
Born in North Carolina
72 years
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Death is not extinguishing the light; it is putting out the lamp because dawn has come. Rabindranath Tagore

This memorial website was created to remember our wonderful Dad, Stewart Hershell Hannah who was born in Waynesville, NC on July 6, 1934 and passed away iat his home in Pennsville, NJ on January 11, 2007. You will live forever in our memories and hearts.  Please share memories, light a candle, share pictures, whatever you'd like to add about Dad.


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Memories of my Hero!!!!

 My Pops was the best and in my eyes there wasn't anything that he couldn't do. Growing up was a great time in my life with him, he taught me so much. Like how to fish and still have fun if I didn't catch anything (which wasn't to often), how to hunt, drive, stick up for myself, fight and many other things. But I think the thing that he taught me the most is something I didn't  realize until I got older was how to be a Dad. I feel so fortunate to be brought up by my hero and to pass some of his traits down through my 3 kids, Scottie--Mikie--and Sarah.


Pops worked hard but always found time for family. We were always having cookouts, hunting, fishing, taking vacations all over the place. Lots of family and friends things. He would help anyone with anything and never expect a favor in return. Was nice to everyone but didn't take any crap from someone. I knew I was in trouble when I'd come home from school and the first thing he would say to me was *HEY BOY!!* in a real low, deep voice. If I was in the wrong I'd pay for it, but if I was in the right he would back me up 100 percent.


To me my Hero was the biggest, strongest, fastest, kindest and caring person in the world. I enjoyed spending many hours and doing stuff with him while I was growing up, but my favorite times were when we would just sit down besides each other and just talk or ralax and look out at the sky. Now that my Pops is gone all I have to do is look at the sky or close my eyes and he is there with me. Miss ya Pops so much but I know that all of your pain is gone now and you are finally free of all your hurts. Take care and love you and miss you so much it hurts. I will never fill the empty space in my heart that hurts for you.

Celia Hannah

When my dad passed away in 1988 I thought that the greatest and smartest man had left us. It was so hard and everyone and I still think about him everyday and talk to him and cry for him. He has never left my thoughts or my heart. But then there was Pop. He is became the other great man in my life. I always hear stories of when he was younger. Mean stories. But all I know of him is that he was the sweetest, kindest, most loving man I've ever known. No matter how bad things got he always managed to make everything funny. I hear his hearty laughter everytime I hear my son, Scottie laugh. I see him in my other son, Michael by the way he acts. I always blamed him and mom for the way he acts. He's a true Hannah. And I see him in the loving eyes of my daughter, Sarah.


Pop, I think of my dad still after 19 years. So don't think you'll soon be forgotten. You will never be forgotten. Not in this lifetime. And I'm glad that my boys will forever pass down your name. I love you and miss you so much.

Scott Hannah
Last year when I lived with Mom-Mom and Pop-Pop while going to school, I'd stay up pretty late studying and doing homework. Well every night/morning before going to bed, I'd use the restroom across the hall. The house would be pitch black dark at that time and as I walked out of my room, I'd always hear a deep voice coming from the kitchen saying my name. It was always Pop-Pop up in the middle of the night, getting a snack, calling my name to let me know it was him, but every time I heard him, he'd scare me. After a while, he started to scare me on purpose because he found it hilarious. Thats one of the main things I miss about Pop-Pop is his everlasting sense of humor. He always had a knack for keeping things interesting, funny, and exciting. I love him, and miss him even more.
Cheryl Zimkouski

Dad was a man with little words but lots of wisdom.  Someone that respected others and others respected him.  He was the strongest man that I ever knew knowledge wise and strength.  Not a real big man, but, very strong, like a bull.  He would help anyone that asked and was always there for us while we were growing up.  He taught us right from wrong and if we did wrong he let us learn from the bumps and bruises that we received from the wrong doing.  Dad was a man that was never mean to anyone...unless they messed with his family or made fun of someone that had disability problems.  Then look out you would see the strength he had and you knew he had a hold of you.  He taught us to treat people the way we wanted to be treated, but, also how to protect ourselves if we needed to.  A very loving man that never really had to be mushy about kisses and hugs.  You just knew he loved you with all of his heart.  We were lucky to have the great parents that we had growing up and I love being able to tell everyone about the great life that I had growing up and even as a adult.  He absolutely lived for his family until his ending days.  I could go on and on about all the great memories that I have, but, there isn't enough space on a internet to say it all.  Just know that he really was the greatest man that ever lived on this earth and I feel lucky that I was chosen by God to be his daughter. I miss him every day of my life now and some days are hard, but, I will make it through.  He wouldn't want it any other way, he was very unselfish and lived for everyone else.  He loved watching the little babies, they made him laugh and vice versa.  Had the funniest, off the wall, sense of humor and the stupid stuff that he would say, the kids would laugh.  Even though it hurts inside, I am thankful that I had all of the great memories to remember.  Not everyone can say that.  Dad I miss you and love you more than you will ever know.  My heart is broken now and it will never mend.

Michelle Ruiz
I remember I was over my mom mom and pop pop's house when I was little and we were out side playing on the swing set and I took Tina's shoes from her and she was scared to walk in the grass because of the bees. So I went in to the house and hid them in the closet even though my pop pop said to give them back to he. So he came in and told me again and I didn't and he warned me one more time before I got my but busted and I still didn't so he busted me and my pop pop never smacked me ever in my life. So when he did I was heart broken and cried and could not believe he had smacked me and still till this day I talk about that. But you know what I would take all the smacks in the world just to have my pop pop back with me.

Latest Condolences
Alma,Candido,& boys condolences July 31, 2007

 Hi Tina

   You have done a wonderful job in preserving the memories of your dad. I can feel the love, warmth, and happiness that you all shared. I never met your dad, but feel as if I know him, through the stories that you've shared with me.I know that he had to have been a wonderful father, because only a wonderful father could have raised such a beautiful and caring daughter like you. You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers. GOD BLESS YOU ALL ,

                                                                       Alma & family

Cheryl Adams Prayer July 23, 2007

Dear Tina,

  I never knew your dad, but he was certainly a wonderful man.  I pray for you and your family all the time.  I know you all miss him so much.  You have done a wonderful job in preserving the cherished memories that your family have. 

God Bless,

Cheryl, Amie and Rick

Michelle & Travis Smith July 22, 2007
My pop pop was the best man ever and I remember, like Tina said, he would always tell you like it is weather you liked it or not and he would make you think about your choices. He was always there for us and still was when he was very sick, he never let us down not once. I would go over with my kids and he would be in bed and the kids would wake him up and he would come out just to see us and be with the kids even if he was in bad pain. When I was growing up I always said I wanted to marry a man like my pop pop because he was the best man in the whole wide world and I'm not saying that because he is my pop pop You can ask anyone he was the best and still is. Well I did find a man like my pop pop and I never got a chance to tell him that and I hope he knows that I have and that I'm finally alright. It really hurts me to know that he is not going to see me walk down that aisle September 15, 2007 because he was a big part of my life him and mom mom helped raise me when my mom left my real dad and I am really close to them and always will be. Well thats all I want to say, MISS YOU AND LOVE YOU POP POP R.I.P

Sandie & Dave Newman Memories July 21, 2007

Hi Tina,

What a beautiful job you did in memory of your dad. I only knew your dad to say hello at an occasional birthday party. I could tell then and now that he was really a special part of your life.

It's such a same when our parents aren't around to see their grandchildren grow up. But it's wonderful to know he's dancing, smiling and happier than ever before, without pain or a care in the world.  Remember him as your doing and cherish each tear shed.  As you said, he lives on in your heart.  He also lives on in your childrens eyes and smiles.


God Bless you and your family,

Sandie & Dave Newman

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