Stewart Hershell Hannah - Sitio Web Conmemorativo En Línea

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Stewart Hannah
Nacido enNorth Carolina
72 years
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Árbol Genealógico
Libro Conmemorativo

Dad has always been my SUPERHERO.  He was the strongest yet most gentle man I know.  He had a wonderful (sometimes really stupid) sense of humor and always was ready to make you laugh. No matter how bad he felt, he was still in a good mood.  I am so thankful that God blessed me with him for my Dad.  He was a quiet man, yet when he spoke, people listened. 


He taught me that I really shouldn't take life too seriously, to have fun, but yet be responsible.  He showed me what unconditional love is and what true love means. He taught not only by words, but by example. And by doing that, he touched SO MANY lives.


I think the best thing he taught me was that it's ok to go slow and take your time.  My very first driving lesson (in the red chevy caprice), I did about 5 miles an hour down the road.  I remember holding onto the wheel with two hands like I was driving a race car.  I started laughing & said "I can't believe I'm going so slow, but I'm afraid I'll drive into the river!"  He very patiently said "it's ok, take your time, if somebody comes behind us & they're in a hurry, they can go around us, and as long as you stay out of the grass, you won't go in the river!"  However, if I did drive into the river, he probably wouldn't have cared, he would've just said, we'll have to get a new car.   That's just how he was, nothing bothered him. We could totally screw up & he was still there for us. Probably with some words of wisdom that probably should've come BEFORE we screwed up. He let us make our mistakes, but showed us how to fix them after we made them.


Dad, I know your quiet words of wisdom will still ring in our ears when we screw up and they'll as always get us back on track.  Thank you from the bottom of my heart for all that you've taught me, for being the man that you were and for loving each of us, family & friends for who we are.  THAT I think was the biggest lesson of all....accept people for who they takes all kinds to make the world go around.



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